【Leetcode题解】2604. Minimum Time to Eat All Grains

Posted on Fri 07 April 2023 in Leetcode

今日闲来无事,简单做一下2604. Minimum Time to Eat All Grains



Example 1
Input: hens = [6], grains = [2, 8]
Output: 8
One way to move
hens 0 move 6 -> 8 => 2s
hens 0 move 8 -> 2 => 6s
Another way to move
hens 0 move 6 -> 2 => 4s
hens 0 move 2 -> 8 => 6s


Example 2
Input: hens = [1, 10], grains = [7]
Output: 3
One way to move
hens 0 move 1 -> 7 => 6s
Another way to move
hens 1 move 10 -> 7 => 3s


这里我们只讨论了限制最大的两种情况。当我们有多只鸡和多个grain的情况的时候就不太好办了。思路到这里就断了。那么,我们能不能把时间这个变量固定住,再检查是否能在固定时间内完成我们的条件呢?我们要求的是最短的时间T = t。简单推理下可知,且当T < t的时候都无法完成,T > t的时候都可以完成。当然一个一个时间点查看肯定会超时,这里我们采用二分来找。


  1. 如果有饲料gh左边的话,必须要吃掉。
  2. 剩余时间需要尽量向右移动吃右边的饲料。


  1. 左边有饲料g的情况下,我们先移动h到左边,然后回到g,可以移动到最右边的距离为t - 2 * (h - g)
  2. 左边有饲料g的情况下,我们先移动h到右边,最后回到g,可以移动到最右边的距离为(t - (h - g)) / 2
  3. 左边没有饲料的情况下,可以移动到最右边的距离为t


class Solution:
    def minimumTime(self, hens: List[int], grains: List[int]) -> int:
        def check(t):
            idx = 0
            for h in hens:
                move = t
                # if there are grains left of h
                # need to eat left
                if grains[idx] < h:
                    left_cost = h - grains[idx]
                    if left_cost > t:
                        return False
                    # move left and back to original position
                    # move right then move back to left
                    # whichever way is further
                    move = max(0, t - 2 * left_cost, (t - left_cost) // 2)

                if h + move >= grains[idx]:
                    idx = bisect_right(grains, h + move, lo = idx)
                    if idx == len(grains):
                        return True
            return False

        l = 0
        r = 2 * (max(grains[-1], hens[-1]) - min(grains[0], hens[0]))
        while l < r:
            mid = (l + r) // 2
            if check(mid):
                r = mid
                l = mid + 1
        return l


上面图片的LaTeX icon代码
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for inserting images


% 2 * (h - g)
\draw (-2, 1) node[above]{(h - g)};
\draw [stealth-](-1,1) -- (-3,1);
\draw [-stealth](-1,0.5) -- (-3,0.5);
% t - 2 * (h - g)
\draw [-stealth](-1, 1) -- (3, 1);
\draw (3, 1.5) -- (3, 0);
% t
\draw (-3, -0.5) -- (-3, -0.75) -- (3, -0.75) -- (3, -0.5);
\draw (0, -0.75) node[below]{t};
% g
\draw (-3, 1.5) -- (-3, 0) node[below]{g};
% h
\draw (-1, 1.5) -- (-1, 0) node[below]{h};
% the axis
\draw[-] (-5,0)--(5,0);
\caption{$g$ to the left of $h$, move left first}

% (h - g) 
\draw (-1, 1) node[above]{(h - g)};
\draw [stealth-](-3,1) -- (1,1);
% (t - (h - g)) // 2
\draw [-stealth](1, 0.5) -- (3, 0.5);
\draw [stealth-](1, 1) -- (3, 1);
\draw (3, 1.5) -- (3, 0);
% g
\draw (-3, 1.5) -- (-3, 0) node[below]{g};
% h
\draw (1, 1.5) -- (1, 0) node[below]{h};
% t
\draw (-3, -0.5) -- (-3, -0.75) -- (3, -0.75) -- (3, -0.5);
\draw (0, -0.75) node[below]{t};

% the axis
\draw[-] (-5,0)--(5,0);
\caption{$g$ to the left of $h$, move right first}

\draw [-stealth](-3, 0.5) -- (3, 0.5);
% g
\draw (3, 1.5) -- (3, 0) node[below]{g};
% h
\draw (-3, 1.5) -- (-3, 0) node[below]{h};
% t
\draw (-3, -0.5) -- (-3, -0.75) -- (3, -0.75) -- (3, -0.5);
\draw (0, -0.75) node[below]{t};
% the axis
\draw[-] (-5,0)--(5,0);
\caption{$g$ to the right of $h$, move right}
