Weekly Contest 359 周赛题目解析

Posted on Thu 31 August 2023 in Leetcode

Weekly Contest 359

第 359 场周赛


2828. Check if a String Is an Acronym of Words 判别首字母缩略词


class Solution:
    def isAcronym(self, words: List[str], s: str) -> bool:
        d = "".join([w[0] for w in words])

        return d == s

2829. Determine the Minimum Sum of a k-avoiding Array k-avoiding 数组的最小总和



class Solution:
    def minimumSum(self, n: int, k: int) -> int:
        s = set()

        for i in range(1, 2 * max(k, n)):
            if len(s) == n:
            if (k - i) not in s:
        # print(s)
        return sum(s)

2830. Maximize the Profit as the Salesman 销售利润最大化

给定一个正整数n代表[0,n-1]个房子,给定一个列表的offers,其中每个offers[i] = [start, end, gold]代表着第i位买家要买的房子区间[start, end]和他愿意支付的价格gold,你需要找到最多能获得多少钱。

这是一道时间窗口的题目,具体体现在他的排他性上。假如买家igold价格购买了[start, end]的房子,那么其他买家就不能购买了。我们首先应该想到按照开始时间排序,因为只有邻近的offer才会互相干涉。在我们看到每一个offer时,我们的决策是是否选择这个offer

  1. 选择这个offer并获得对应的收益,移动到下一个可能的offer
  2. 跳过这个offer以期望后面的offer能获得更大的收益。


class Solution:
    def maximizeTheProfit(self, n: int, offers: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        offers.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])  # Sort the offers based on the start index

        from functools import cache

        # Create a list of offer start indices for binary search
        offer_start_indices = [offer[0] for offer in offers]

        def dp(o):
            if o >= len(offers):
                return 0

            start, end, gold = offers[o]

            # Binary search to find the next valid offer index
            next_offer_idx = bisect_right(offer_start_indices, end)

            # Case 1: Do not consider the current offer, move to the next offer
            result = dp(o + 1)

            # Case 2: Consider the current offer if it's within the range of houses
            result = max(result, gold + dp(next_offer_idx))

            return result

        return dp(0)

2831. Find the Longest Equal Subarray 找出最长等值子数组




class Solution:
    def longestEqualSubarray(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        e = defaultdict(list)

        for i, n in enumerate(nums):
            if e[n] and e[n][-1][-1] == i:
                e[n][-1][-1] = i + 1
                e[n].append([i, i + 1])

        result = 0

        for element, ranges in e.items():
            # print(element, ranges)
            left = 0
            sz = 0 # size of elements
            gap = 0 # current gap
            for right in range(len(ranges)):
                sz += ranges[right][1] - ranges[right][0]
                if right > 0:
                    gap += ranges[right][0] - ranges[right - 1][1]

                while left < right and gap > k:
                    sz -= ranges[left][1] - ranges[left][0]
                    gap -= ranges[left + 1][0] - ranges[left][1]
                    left += 1

                # print(left, right, sz, gap)

                result = max(result, sz)

        return result