Weekly Contest 351 周赛题目解析

Posted on Sun 25 June 2023 in Leetcode

Weekly Contest 351

第 351 场周赛



2748. Number of Beautiful Pairs 美丽下标对的数目


class Solution:
    def countBeautifulPairs(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        def gcd(a, b):
            if b == 0:
                return a
            return gcd(b, a % b)

        count = 0
        for i in range(len(nums) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(nums)):
                first_digit = int(str(nums[i])[0])
                last_digit = int(str(nums[j])[-1])
                if gcd(first_digit, last_digit) == 1:
                    # print(i, j)
                    count += 1

        return count

2749. Minimum Operations to Make the Integer Zero 得到整数零需要执行的最少操作数

给定两个整数nums1nums2,你可以对这nums1进行如下操作:选取[0, 60]之间的任意整数i,并将nums1减去2^i + nums2。求能够使nums1变为0的最小操作数量。



Example 1:
Input: num1 = 3, num2 = -2
Output: 3
i = 1: 3 - (-2) = 5 = 0b101
i = 2: 5 - (-2) = 7 = 0b111
i = 3: 7 - (-2) = 9 = 0b1001 = 0b100 + 0b100 + 0b1

这里我们可以看到,虽然9里面只有两个1,但是0b1000可以通过两个0b100凑出来,因此最少是3次。也就是说,最终我们要找到i >= ones(num1)的场景。当然到这里还不能万事大吉,因为我们有一个特殊case:当num1 = 1i > 1的时候,我们并没有办法凑出来。把这个综合一下,即当num1 < i的时候,我们无法拼凑了。

class Solution:
    def makeTheIntegerZero(self, num1: int, num2: int) -> int:
        def count_one(num):
            result = 0
            while num:
                if num % 2 == 1:
                    result += 1
                num = num >> 1

            return result

        i = 0
        while count_one(num1) > i:
            num1 -= num2
            i += 1
            if num1 <= 0:
                return -1
        # print(num1, count_one(num1), i)
        if num1 >= i:
            return i
        return -1

2750. Ways to Split Array Into Good Subarrays 将数组划分成若干好子数组的方式



  • 当前面都是0的时候,我们要找到下一个1作为他的分割。
  • 当前是0,且前面存在1的时候,我们既可以在此处分割,也可以选择把当前的0包含在当前子数组中。
  • 当前是1,且前面存在1的时候,我们只能在此处分割。


class Solution:
    def numberOfGoodSubarraySplits(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        mod = int(1e9 + 7)
        n = len(nums)
        from functools import cache

        def dp(i, one):
            # print(i, one)
            # base case
            if i == len(nums):
                return int(one)

            if nums[i] == 1:
                return dp(i + 1, True) % mod
            elif nums[i] == 0:
                # split here or not
                if one:
                    return (dp(i + 1, True) + dp(i + 1, False)) % mod
                    return (dp(i + 1, False)) % mod

        return dp(0, False) % mod

2751. Robot Collisions 机器人碰撞

给定一个列表的机器人,每个机器人有三个属性(position, health, direction),分别为他们当前在一维坐标轴上的起始位置,当前血量,和前进方向(L左 / R右)。所有机器人同时以匀速从他们的起始位置沿既定方向出发。当两个机器人在同一位置时发生碰撞,则存在两种情况:若两个机器人血量相等,则两个机器人都损坏并被移除;否则血量较小的机器人被移除,而血量较大的机器人的血量减一。要求输出不再发生碰撞之后,剩余机器人的血量。


提交的时候print没去掉还吃了一个Output Limit Exceeded的甲虫,气死。

class Solution:
    def survivedRobotsHealths(self, positions: List[int], healths: List[int], directions: str) -> List[int]:
        # Combine positions, healths, and directions into list of robots
        robots = sorted(zip(positions, healths, directions, range(len(positions))))

        # print("===\n", robots)
        result = [-1] * len(positions)

        queue = deque()

        for pos, health, dire, idx in robots:
            # there is no robots to the left of this robot, therefore survive
            if dire == 'L' and not queue:
                result[idx] = health
            # moving left and there exist robot moving right
            elif dire == 'L':
                while health != -1 and queue:
                    # the right bot
                    pos2, health2, dire2, idx2 = queue.pop()
                    if health == health2:
                        health = -1
                    elif health > health2:
                        # removed the right bot
                        health -= 1
                        # add the bot moving right back to the queue
                        queue.append((pos2, health2 - 1, dire2, idx2))
                        health = -1
                # moving left and removed all bots moving right
                if health != -1:
                    result[idx] = health
            elif dire == 'R':
                queue.append((pos, health, dire, idx))

            # print(queue)
        for _, health, _, idx in queue:
            result[idx] = health

        rresult = []
        for h in result:
            if h == -1:

        return rresult