Weekly Contest 409 周赛题目解析

Posted on Fri 18 October 2024 in Leetcode

Weekly Contest 409

第 409 场周赛


3242. Design Neighbor Sum Service 设计相邻元素求和服务

给定一个n x n的矩阵,其中包含[0, n^2 - 1]区间的每一个数字,设计一个类neighborSum,存在两个方法:adjacentSum(value)返回值为value的数字的邻接格子的数字之和;diagonalSum(value) 返回值为 value的格子的邻接对角线格子的数字之和。


ADIR = [0, -1, 0, 1, 0]
# 1 1, 1 -1, -1 1, -1 -1
DDIR = [1, -1, -1, 1, 1]

class neighborSum:

    def __init__(self, grid: List[List[int]]):
        self.m = len(grid)
        self.n = len(grid[0])

        adj = [[0] * self.n for _ in range(self.m)]
        dig = [[0] * self.n for _ in range(self.m)]
        vmap = dict()
        for i in range(self.m):
            for j in range(self.n):
                adj[i][j] = self.asum(grid, i, j)
                dig[i][j] = self.dsum(grid, i, j)
                vmap[grid[i][j]] = (i, j)

        self.adj = adj
        self.dig = dig
        self.vmap = vmap

    def adjacentSum(self, value: int) -> int:
        i, j = self.vmap[value]
        return self.adj[i][j]

    def diagonalSum(self, value: int) -> int:
        i, j = self.vmap[value]
        return self.dig[i][j]

    def asum(self, grid, i, j):
        result = 0
        for k in range(4):
            ni = i + ADIR[k]
            nj = j + ADIR[k + 1]
            if not self.is_valid(ni, nj):
            result += grid[ni][nj]
        return result

    def dsum(self, grid, i, j):
        result = 0
        for k in range(4):
            ni = i + DDIR[k]
            nj = j + DDIR[k + 1]
            if not self.is_valid(ni, nj):
            result += grid[ni][nj]

        return result

    def is_valid(self, i, j):
        return i >= 0 and i < self.m and j >= 0 and j < self.n

3243. Shortest Distance After Road Addition Queries I 新增道路查询后的最短距离 I

假设有n个城市,且两个相邻城市ii+1纵有无向道路连接。给定一个列表的请求queries,其中每个请求包含[u,v],在每次请求之后,城市uv都会新增一条无向道路,问在每次查询之后,城市0到城市n - 1的距离,返回一个长度与queries长度相同的列表。

这题数据量小,直接用bfs即可。这里有一点小小的改变,由于在处理图的时候,通常对于无向边,我们需要在两个节点的邻接表中都放上对向节点,但是由于我们本身探索的就是[0, n - 1],所以我们只做从数字小的到数字大的边,这样才能保证我们算法不提前探索一些点。不过,有一个疑问是,是否存在向反方向的点走更快的场景?这个问题就留给读者自己探索吧。

from collections import deque, defaultdict
from typing import List

class Solution:
    def shortestDistanceAfterQueries(self, n: int, queries: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        # Initialize graph with the initial roads
        graph = defaultdict(list)
        for i in range(n - 1):
            graph[i].append(i + 1)

        results = []

        def bfs(start: int, end: int) -> int:
            queue = deque([start])
            distances = {start: 0}

            while queue:
                node = queue.popleft()
                if node == end:
                    return distances[node]

                for neighbor in graph[node]:
                    if neighbor not in distances:
                        distances[neighbor] = distances[node] + 1

            return -1

        # Process each query
        for ui, vi in queries:
            if ui > vi:
                ui, vi = vi, ui
            shortest_path = bfs(0, n - 1)

        return results

3244. Shortest Distance After Road Addition Queries II 新增道路查询后的最短距离 II

此题题目与上一题 3243. Shortest Distance After Road Addition Queries I 新增道路查询后的最短距离 I 一样,因此不多赘述了。

由于数据范围变大,我们无法在给定的时间内用bfs求解了,因此需要考虑其他办法。上一题我们给出了一个断言:对于这道题来说,因为相邻节点总有路径相连,因此我们无法通过反向的路径[i, i-1]来节省时间。因此这就给我们一个思路,即如果说两个点之间已有捷径相连,那么我们就可以不再考虑走任何这个捷径跨越的点。在经过这样的更改之后,我们的图总是一个从小到大连接的图;每次新增捷径,我们都可以删去,且此路径从头到尾的长度恰好为图里面节点的个数减一。为了快速找到要删除的路径,我们可以想象图为一个已排序列表,通过二分法来删去区间内所有元素。


from typing import List

class Solution:
    def shortestDistanceAfterQueries(self, n: int, queries: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        from sortedcontainers import SortedList
        def remove_range(sl, start, end):
            # Find the index of the first element greater than start
            start_index = sl.bisect_right(start) + 1
            # Find the index of the first element greater than end
            end_index = sl.bisect_right(end)

            if start_index <= end_index:
                # Remove elements in the range (start, end)
                del sl[start_index:end_index]

        sl = SortedList(range(n))

        for start, end in queries:
            remove_range(sl, start, end)
            # print(sl)
            yield len(sl) - 1

3245. Alternating Groups III 交替组 III

一些红蓝方块连续排列成环形(circular list),给定矩阵color代表其中每个方块是红色还是蓝色。给定一个列表的请求 queries,存在两种请求:第一种请求的形式为 queries[i] = [1, size_i] 需要查询指定长度的交替组的数量;第二种请求的形式为 queries[i] = [2, index_i, color_i] 需要改变指定索引i的元素颜色。从左到右处理所有请求,以列表的形式返回所有第一种查询的结果。交替组的定义为颜色交替且连续的一组方块。


class Solution:
    def numberOfAlternatingGroups(self, colors: List[int], queries: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        n = len(colors)
        answer = []

        def count_alternating_groups(size):
            result = 0
            left = 0
            for right in range(n + size - 1):
                if left == right:
                while right - left + 1 > size:
                    left += 1

                if colors[right % n] == colors[(right - 1) % n]:
                    left = right
                elif right - left + 1 == size:
                    result += 1
                    # print(f"\t counting: {left, right}")

            return result

        for query in queries:
            # print("handling", query, colors)
            if query[0] == 1:
                size = query[1]
            elif query[0] == 2:
                index = query[1]
                color = query[2]
                colors[index] = color

        return answer

这个算法的时间复杂度为O(q * n),因为我们每次都要遍历整个数组来处理类型为1的查询。易得,进一步优化的方案当然是在处理类型为2的查询时,做额外的缓存。


-- ==== ---- =====
2  4    4    5

贼这种情况下,我们只储存最大的组的长度,因此我们可以看到每个组都不重叠。如果我们要查询长度为4的组,那么我们的结果为4 = 1 + 1 + 2,因为长度为5的组其实包含了两个长度为4的组。


colors = RBB
query = [2,2,R]
groups = {1: 1, 2: 1}

显然,我们在当前情形下,我们并无法直接更新group里储存的计数,因为我们没有任何关于索引为2前后的组的信息。因此,我们引入一个新的计数 breaks,储存所有组起始点的索引。对于上面的例子,我们有

colors = RBB
query = [2,2,R]
breaks = {0, 2}


colors = RBBBR
query = [2,2,R]
breaks = {0, 2, 3}
groups = {1:1, 2:2}


colors = RBRBR
breaks = {0}
groups = {5:1}


colors = RBRBR
query = [2,3,R]
breaks = {0}
groups = {5:1}


colors = RBRRR
breaks = {0, 3, 4}
groups = {1:2, 3:1}



from sortedcontainers import SortedSet, SortedDict

class Solution:
    def numberOfAlternatingGroups(self, colors: List[int], queries: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        n = len(colors)

        breaks = SortedSet()
        groups = SortedDict({2 * n: 1})

        def add(d: int, n: int) -> None:
            d = d % n
            if d > 2:
                groups[d] = groups[d] + 1 if d in groups else 1

        def erase(d: int, n: int) -> None:
            d = d % n
            if d > 2:
                groups[d] = groups[d] - 1 if d in groups else 1
                if groups[d] == 0:
                    del groups[d]

        def insert(i: int, n: int) -> None:
            if not breaks:
                groups[n] = 1
            elif len(breaks) == 1:
                j = breaks[0]
                groups[abs(i - j)] = 1
                groups[n - abs(i - j)] = groups[n - abs(i - j)] + \
                    1 if n - abs(i - j) in groups else 1
                idx = breaks.bisect_right(i)
                it3 = breaks[idx] if idx < len(breaks) else breaks[0]
                it1 = breaks[idx-1] if idx > 0 else breaks[-1]
                erase((it3 - it1) % n, n)
                add((it3 - i) % n, n)
                add((i - it1) % n, n)

        def remove(i: int, n: int) -> None:
            if len(breaks) == 1:
                groups[2 * n] = 1
            elif len(breaks) == 2:
                groups[n] = 1
                idx = breaks.index(i)
                it1 = breaks[idx-1] if idx > 0 else breaks[-1]
                it3 = breaks[idx+1] if idx < len(breaks)-1 else breaks[0]
                erase((i - it1) % n, n)
                erase((it3 - i) % n, n)
                add((it3 - it1) % n, n)

        for i in range(n):
            if colors[i] == colors[(i + 1) % n]:
                insert(i, n)

        res = []
        for q in queries:
            if q[0] == 1:
                count = sum(v * (k - q[1] + 1)
                            for k, v in groups.items() if k >= q[1])
                res.append(min(n, count))
            elif colors[q[1]] != q[2]:
                idx = breaks.bisect_left(q[1])
                if idx < len(breaks) and breaks[idx] == q[1]:
                    remove(q[1], n)
                    insert(q[1], n)
                pi = (q[1] - 1) % n
                if colors[q[1]] != colors[pi]:
                    insert(pi, n)
                    remove(pi, n)
                colors[q[1]] = q[2]

        return res